
Go with the Phlow!

Since dec. 1 mo, Sven and Brigitte from Phlow are publishing charts from the netaudio world. You can find my top 5 here.

Have a look at their lists:

mo.'s free music netlabel charts 2007

mo.'s Top-5 Netlabels, Releases and MP3s

Moritz ���mo.��� Sauermo. is a journalist and musiclover from Cologne/Germany. He is the editor of Phlow.net, a german weblog about music and netculture. Three months ago he started an (d)english version called Phlow-Magazine.com to portrait free music distributed by netlabels to a worldwide audience. While digging free music from netlabels all over the globe in the past years he founded the Netlabel Catalogue on Netlabels.org some time ago. 2007 was a fabolous year for free music culture. Check out his top-5 netlabels, best 5 netaudio release and his favorite songs in 2007.

mo.'s Netlabel Top 5

  1. Aerotone

  2. Jahtari

  3. 1Bit Wonder

  4. Monotonik

  5. Ansiform

mo.'s Releases Top 5

  1. Nest "Nest EP" (Serein)

  2. This Mess Is Mine - Sign The Drafts EP (Aerotone)

  3. Glander "Vate" (1Bit-Wonder)

  4. Various "Intelligent Toys 4" (Sutemos)

  5. Sonmi451 - The Quiet EP (monotonik)

mo.'s Songs Top 5 (linked mp3s)

  1. Willbe "Zephyr" (Language Lab)

  2. Calendar girl & apeskinny "May apeskinny mix"

  3. Emil Klotzsch "Geteiltes Sein" (One)

  4. Illyah and Ltd. Candy "Fight The Formation" (Jahtari)

  5. paniq "Elektronische Musik"

released under the Creative Commons License (Attribution 3.0 Unported)

Brigitte Bijoux's Free Music Charts 2007

Brigitte Bijoux's Top-5 Netlabels, Releases and MP3s

Brigitte Bijoux (Phlow)The french-german Brigitte Bijoux likes to spin her desks in tokyo. Eaten by the magnetic force of the tokyo underground, busy B. released her debut-ep �Le Fleuve Profonde� already some time ago on ideology.de. But that�s no reason for her to surf the web for some music diamonds in her free time. Diamonds are a girls best friend, you know. That�s why Brigitte is so fascinated by the worldwide free music movement. As DJs always do, she likes to digg and than to digg some more. Just enjoy her top-5 netlabels, releases and songs she enjoyed 2007 and give her some shouts over at Phlow-Magazine.com where she blogs her favorite netlabel music.

Brigitte Bijoux's Top-5 Songs

  1. Sudio "Euphonic Trajectories" (Remix by Elliptic)

  2. Proviant Audio "Welcome Wilderness"

  3. IJO "Terra Det (Multiplex Remix)"

  4. Nils Hoffmann "Sweet man like me"

  5. asa - "bifocal"

Brigitte Bijoux's Top-5 Releases

  1. Malty Media - Bracken Bed EP (Monotonik)

  2. Proviant Audio �Welcome Wilderness EP� (Aquavelvas)

  3. Nils Hoffmann - �kurz und klein e.p.� (Broque)

  4. Diverse re-iD.d (ideology.de)

  5. Iaka �Es rappelt im Karton� (Plainaudio Netlabel)

Brigitte Bijoux's Top-5 Netlabels

  1. www.plainaudio.com

  2. www.aquavelvas.com

  3. www.jahtari.org

  4. www.1bit-wonder.com

  5. www.ideology.de

released under the Creative Commons License (Attribution 3.0 Unported)

Sven Swift Free Music Charts 2007

Sven Swift of 12rec.netSven Swift runs the established CDr- and Netlabel 12rec.net and acts as a Netaudio DJ from time to time. He writes enliven reviews about free music at RUBored.org, Phlow-Magazine.com and Earlabs.org. Swift produces electro-acoustic ambient-music on analogue synthesizers and is responsible for most of the delightful artworks at 12rec. Netlabel. From nine to five, he's working as a graduate student in a biochemical laboratory. He is married with a beautiful girl named Anne.

Sven Swift's Top-5 Netaudio Songs (direct Links to mp3s)

Sven Swift's Top-5 Releases

Sven Swift's Top-5 Netlabels

released under the Creative Commons License (Attribution 3.0 Unported)