RiP: A Remix Manifesto
Brett Gaylor (director of the movie 'RiP: A Remix Manifesto'): "Imagine a world where ideas and culture, from "Happy Birthday" to Mickey Mouse, are horded under lock and key by copyright laws. Even ideas that could lead to a cure for cancer would be off-limits. Stop imagining now, because this is the world you live in. Although pop culture giants such as Walt Disney and the Rolling Stones built on the past to produce their art, the door is closing behind them."
topbits from 2008
Download or listen to [nws087] Netwaves 3.11, the last episode in 2008.
Radio Scorpio takes 2 weeks holidays, meaning that Netwaves will be back on monday 5 january. Happy fiestas and best wishes.
01. Snow White Theme - Shaun Blezard
02. Even If - Apes on Tapes
03. Paper Boats - Weigl & Hoffmann
04. Coldlime - James McConaghew
05. Vintage Killa - Hugoboy
06. A Bali Na Bega - XYDZO
07. Dinoavion - KUSO
08. Injuries Being Called Suspicious - Ceschi
09. Szerelmes N�ta - Soutien Gorge
10. Earth is the Right Place for Love - Uncle Owen Aunt Beru
11. Thursday Morning Walking - After the Ice
12. Notte Di Luna - Mou
13. Stalker - You Are My Everything
Corpid netlabel
01. Friday night alone - Peloton
02. Puzzled - Mucky Misu
03. Monodiver - Elysis
04. Auf Deutsch - Tanzmuzik
05. Later - Bobby Baby
06. Bobby - Bobby Baby
07. Lads are fun - Bobby Baby
08. Another rainy day - Solcofn
09. Swimming in the dirty water - Audio Mjao
10. You can't imagine - Emily in love
11. Antojos - Keyboard
12. Reflective Deceptor - Sinestetici and KiloWatts
13. Stuffing life revised - Melissa Welch
14. I'll meet you here - ST
15. Ubiqu - Flat
the Schorremorrie tapes
Hello friends of Netwaves, this week our reporter Toon interrogates the rifraf of Antwerp, known as 'Schorremorrie'. Schorremorrie is the Netwaves of Radio Centraal (28 years), and Netwaves is the Schorremorrie of Radio Scorpio (29 years). Download or listen to episode 3.09.
01. There is something on my mind - Taschenrechnermusikant
02. Relay - Evan Valentine
03. In My Cupboard - TkY
04. Dinamo Autumn - Egon Fisk
05. The Neighbours - Jordy Lane
06. Wake Up Call (Hoodwink remix) - Cantaloup
07. Victor Borge Cloud - Infoslut
08. Wormhole - Skull
09. Moan - Kristin Hersh
10. Japanese Synthesizer - Professor Kliq
11. Od year 3000 (plugexpert remix) - Jonas the plugexpert
de EC en het auteursrecht
SURF is verheugd over de recente oproep van de EC om 'open access' te stimuleren: "De Europese Commissie ondersteunt krachtig de beweging om de wetenschap transparanter en maatschappelijk verantwoord te maken. EU-Commissaris Poto?nik (Onderzoek en Wetenschap) ondersteunt de oproep tot open access, waarmee wetenschappelijk materiaal vrijelijk beschikbaar komt voor iedereen, via digitale opslagruimten op internet. SURF-directeur Liebrand is buitengewoon verheugd over de Europese steun: �Na jaren van verbale support voor het idee dat publiek gefinancierd onderzoek ook publiek toegankelijk moet zijn, treft de EU nu daadwerkelijk maatregelen om dit idee te realiseren.�" (SURFblog)
SURF heeft daarnaast ook gereageerd op de oproep van de EC om te reageren op haar Groenboek Auteursrecht in de kenniseconomie. De EC wil met deze consultatie nagaan of de bestaande Europese wetgeving op het gebied van auteursrecht het verspreiden van ontwikkelde kennis afdoende stimuleert. Tevens wil de Commissie weten of de huidige wetgeving schrijvers en uitgevers voldoende aanzet om elektronische versies van kennisproducten in omloop te brengen.
SURF adviseert:
"Hergebruik van andermans kennis is essentieel voor het onderwijs en vooruitgang in de wetenschap. Daarom is meer wettelijke ruimte voor gebruikers in onderwijs en onderzoek gerechtvaardigd. Afspraken maken over toegestaan gebruik kan de verspreiding van kennis eerder belemmeren. Kenmerkend voor onderzoek en onderwijs is juist dat andermans werk zonder contractuele toestemming mag worden hergebruikt."
"SURF merkt op dat het Groenboek tamelijk eenzijdig vanuit het perspectief van de rechthebbenden, en dan met name de uitgevers, is geschreven en duidelijk veel van contractuele afspraken verwacht. Onderwijs- en onderzoeksinstellingen, wetenschappers, consumenten en andere hergebruikers zijn echter meer gebaat bij meer wettelijke ruimte dan bij contractuele afspraken, niet in het minst vanwege hun zwakke onderhandelingspositie." (SURFblog)
remember you're a member
There is not much advantage of being a member, but it's maybe cooler to see who's flying around this website.
In the meantime, listen to Goto80 with 'member'.
C hear s!
Aural diary

Under the subtitle "Stop, Look, Listen" the Aural diary publishes audio postcards. Il signore Punck takes a photo and a field recording from the spot he's staying for some reason, and then puts it on his website, all under a by-nc-nd. Enjoy!
Under the subtitle "Stop, Look, Listen" the Aural diary publishes audio postcards. Il signore Punck takes a photo and a field recording from the spot he's staying for some reason, and then puts it on his website, all under a by-nc-nd. Enjoy!
Creative Commons and non-commercial: a questionnaire
�The study has direct relevance to Creative Commons� mission of providing free, flexible copyright licenses that are easy to understand and simple to use,� said Creative Commons CEO Joi Ito. �The NC term is a popular option for creators choosing a Creative Commons license, and that tells us the term meets a need. However, as exponentially increasing numbers of works are made available under CC licenses, we want to provide additional information for creators about the contexts in which the NC term may further or impede their intentions with respect to the works they choose to share, and we want to make sure that users clearly understand those intentions. We expect the study findings will help us do a better job of explaining the licenses and to improve them, where possible. We also hope the findings, which will be made publicly available, will contribute to better understanding of some of the complexities of digital distribution of content.�
via CC int.
Netwaves update
Download or listen to [nws084].
01. Don't You Fuckin Die On Me - A.R.E. Weapons
02. Orange River (Netaudio 2008 Remix) - Abyssal Plains
03. Drown - ddd
04. Samurai Showdown - Disrupt
05. Hello Africa - Indian Jewelry
06. Rearview Mirror (Telafonica Version) - Craven Canary
07. � la d�rive - Jan Felipe
08. Peer Down - The Last Sound
09. Breathe - Hol Baumann
10. Psicofonia - Deloise remix - Fuse
11. Happy Sad Song (SwordxL Mix) - BTB
12. New Way Of Life - Astroboyz
netlabel grafix
- How to start a netlabel?
- What is a netlabel?
- Some statistics
- How-to tag songs?
This week Eldino has published new statistics of netlabel tunes and their genres: it is based on 43.057 downloaded files, and his own tagging. First conclusions are that there is a lot of noise to download, there is lots of electronic dance music, and there is almost no rock music in the netlabel scene. Feel free to participate in the lively discussion about his conclusions on Phlow.
Netwaves: elektrokatessen
01. Meteor - Asteroid Killer
02. Revolutions of Cuba - Resn
03. Structure Pink - Yado
04. Chorda Rex - Audacious Clay
05. Thanks Cubito de Hielo - Mexicanchangoz
06. m00n - C
07. Mind Games - Waveform
08. Creep - Josh McCurdy
09. Takeaway Landing - Spheriot
10. Pop Up - TSS Tortue Super Sonic
11. Frostbite - Aerotake
12. A Good Face for Memories - The Linger Effect
13. Everything That Counts - Lucky Misu
Netwaves: fresh popsounds
01. Signal to Noise - Please
02. Miercoles (Please Remix) - La Nueva Divisi�n
03. Marzipan Remix - Azoora
04. Avalon - DraCo
05. Seeking - Monk Turner
06. About You Now (Sugababes Cover) - Marek Gabriel Hruska
07. Miranda July - allthatfall
08. Thursday Morning Waking - After The Ice
09. Begin Today - Ten Digit Army
10. Earth - TSS / Tortue Super Sonic
11. � la d�rive - Jan Felipe
12. One Figure Ripple v1 - qxtc
13. Korg Cello - Garo
14. Don't Be Afraid - Takashi Fujimori
15. Tuareg - Rara
16. When I'm dead (Feat Kristin Ahlin) - Plattform 13
music for late night snacks
01. DeFrag - Sick arrest
02. Be alone - Loran Valdek
03. Krafttheme - Stratoliner
04. Dainty Day - Stratoliner
05. Machine against the raige - Loran Valdek
06. The cloudmaker - Loran Valdek
07. Threshold - Clarke Cassidy
08. HiT-Jack-HaT - Uriel Asher
09. Purpledrops - Clarke Cassidy
10. Dinky Girl - Stratoliner
11. Laidmeback - Stratoliner
12. She glitch my mind - Clarke Cassidy
13. nippondark - Clarke Cassidy
14. I dont know - Uriel Asher
15. Atonia - Soul minority
16. mind return - Stratoliner
17. Enlighten - Uriel Asher
18. Metadoerfer - Clarke Cassidy
fresh electronic delikatessen
01. Subhumanoid Meltdown - ChopChop
02. Absolutement abdominable - Platform
03. Ame - Laszlo Hollyfield
04. Out Moon (Of) - Ad.R
05. The Beach (Xiom Reconstruction) - Esse
06. AngleDrive - qxtc
07. I Need You To Stop Needing The Love That We Made Together - Fell
08. Subatomic Zoo - The Resonance Association
09. Grand 5 - Apes on Tapes
10. Karmanilinist - bath aide
11. You're a computer - TSS / Tortue Super Sonic
12. Fractal Pants - Bitbasic
13. Black Ft Morbid Monja - ENV(itre)
rest in peace
[nws080] Netwaves 3.04: rest in peace:
01. Almost Quiet - The Noise Tales
02. Die Galaxis - Frank Molder
03. Wind - Kiri Nami
04. Un-Familiar - Philipp Weigl
05. Purple nights (electromix) - bajuri and Erik Levander
06. Slow - Tomas Nordstrom feat. Chill
07. Mort D'un Amant (Dumb Dan Remix) - Kassette
08. Bionz - Dapayk
09. Artemisia - Julius Kinet
10. Wolkenlos - Legolas
11. Shade of Black - Oveloe
Music for slow food
Download or listen.
Don't forget to listen this monday to our live stream from 21:00 - 01:00 GMT+1 via this link. If your pc does not manage this link well, please download VLC media player, an open source allround audio/movie friend, and drop the link on the player.
banner: Derk-Jan Hartman cc: by-nc-sa
01. F�r Drei Kalimbas, in F Moll - Trans Alp
02. The Grass Is Greener - Weigl & Hoffmann
03. Sunflow - He-Lux
04. Heizk�rper Lauschen - Krill.Minima
05. 12Peflet - Planet Boelex
06. Caught Your Tumble - Paranerd
07. The Shadow Of John Maynard Keynes - Cellullar
08. Miss Play - Camp
09. Aerfluam - Radarfilm
10. Happy Plingi - My First Trumpet
11. Un Monde Sans Fil - Frivolous
12. Cloudhopper - Kwook!
thesis "Some Rights Reserved"
Binnenkort wordt in de Europese Commissie het voorstel gelanceerd om de bescherming op het auteursrecht van 50 jaar op 95 jaar te brengen. Onder de titel "Make sure MEPs hear your views on copyright term extension - get in touch today" geven Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) en Open Rights Group (ORG) enkele tips om uw Europarlementari�r (hier is een lijst van de Vlaamse) te overtuigen om niet voor te stemmen. Je vindt er ook enkele links met argumentaties waarom de EC beter niet het gelobby van de muziekindustrie volgt.
Ik heb Sa�d El Khadraoui al gemaild!
"A Shared Culture" by Jesse Dylan
"A Shared Culture" by Jesse Dylan is licensed under a CC by-nc-sa license.
More info @ the CC headquarters.
5 years of Electrobel
01. Protozen Neutrosoft - S-Cape
02. Purex - S-Cape
03. Aeromantics (mArtnr94) - Akwalek
04. Emotional Intentions (mArtnr116) - Akwalek
05. m1221ng (mArtnr105) - Microlek
06. Being Born (Breakbeat edit) - Distreality & Phase2013
07. When - AraLow
08. Damelo Papi - Avozic
09. Speakon - Aphone
10. Missing Something - Owen
11. Oxygen - The Chill Conspiracy
Netaudio�08 London
Download the compilation of the guest artists of the Netaudio'08 festival in high quality flac-files at the Internet Archive.
the movie is better than the book
Netwaves bytes again
01. Human (beta) - Reporter
02. Midnight Express - G+Shame feat. Tamara Dinka
03. Diesel Weezil - Ben waH
04. All OK - 7am aka Off Pop
05. Stratograd - 06-22
06. Fred's Track - DDR Rhythm
07. You And The Snow - adcBicycle
08. Earth Breath - Human Terminal
09. Under The Shower Tower - Daniel Gardner
10. Herons Are Mellow - Daniel Maze
11. Min engel complete - draff krimmy
CC and "Non-commercial Use"
In my opinion, and after discussions with other people, i think that every non-profit and public environment is non-commercial. And in a commercial environment, as long as there is no direct financial transaction involved, it is allowed to use the non-commercial factor, ie. playing music with a 'nc' tag in a commercial restaurant is allowed, as long as they don't sell this music, ie. asking a contribution in the bill (they still have to hang out a playlist though).
Anyway, it's difficult stuff, and the people @ CC are aware of the fact that there's a need for a more precise definition of commercial and non-commercial, so they launched a research study that "will explore differences between commercial and noncommercial uses of content".
You will find the full press release here.
Also have a look at a discussion about this item at Molly Kleinman's blog "CC HOWTO #2: How to use a work with a NonCommercial license". You will notice in comment 8, that the Dutch collecting society Buma/Stemra is rather taking a capitalist point of view, ie, almost everything is commercial, even my website netwaves.org, because of 2 silly Google ads.
netlabel grafx
Eldino has posted a graphic of the music genres which netlabels cover. This image is generated with a plug-in in Songbird. It is based on 270 netlabels, with circa 38000 tunes (this list is the personal choice of Eldino). 18% of the music has the tag 'noise' which Eldino uses for 'field recordings, harsh noise, power noise, white noise, scream, lo-fi music and analog'.
If your knowledge of Italian is better than that of your Spanish, you can read on more here.
Netwaves expands in several waves
Three important announcements:
1. Release: Netwaves Bytes: Electro 1
Netwaves is proud to present its first virtual CD: Netwaves Bytes: Electro 1. This compilation is the first in a series that represent the best netlabel tunes from all over the world. Netaudio is not about profit figures, it's about creativity and independence. For the music lover, this means open, free music without lawyers.
This release gives an anthology of the best electro on the internet from the past 5 years.
Because the musicians use the Creative Commons license, people are free to download, copy and spread the music.
Download your copy here, put it on your website, podcast, blog it, ... but be sure to publish the playlist with the artists!
Check our brandnew netlabel 'Netwaves Records'
Download 'Netwaves Bytes: Electro 1'
2. From monday 6 oct. on, Netwaves will be broadcasting for 4 hours, instead of 1 hour! Netwaves begins its normal formula 1 hour later, ie. 21:00, followed by the brandnew Netwaves.bpm at 22:00. As the name already tells, this will be a more beats related casting, netlabel music revised in a mix under supervision of RuE9. At 23:00 Netwaves.bpm plays guest mixes, found on the internet. 24:00 our own Cap starts his own mish-mash of scapes, texts, wizardry found on the web, and free thanks to Creative Commons. The best stuff will be uploaded from time to time to Netwaves.bpm.
3. This same monday, Netwaves is pointed out by Radio Scorpio to start streaming tests via the internet. You can listen to the stream at this webaddress. This, again, is available thanks to all the netlabels and artists that support Creative Commons.
Check it out! ... and welcome to season 3.00, starting monday 6 oct. 21:00 with [nws077] Netwaves 3.01. Relisten here in the little 'Apture' window (hover with your mouse over this text).
Netwaves expands in several waves
Three important announcements:
1. Release: Netwaves Bytes: Electro 1
Netwaves is proud to present its first virtual CD: Netwaves Bytes: Electro 1. This compilation is the first in a series that represent the best netlabel tunes from all over the world. Netaudio is not about profit figures, it's about creativity and independence. For the music lover, this means open, free music without lawyers.
This release gives an anthology of the best electro on the internet from the past 5 years.
Because the musicians use the Creative Commons license, people are free to download, copy and spread the music.
Download your copy here, put it on your website, podcast, blog it, ... but be sure to publish the playlist with the artists!
Check our brandnew netlabel 'Netwaves Records'
Download 'Netwaves Bytes: Electro 1'
2. From monday 6 oct. on, Netwaves will be broadcasting for 4 hours, instead of 1 hour! Netwaves begins its normal formula 1 hour later, ie. 21:00, followed by the brandnew Netwaves.bpm at 22:00. As the name already tells, this will be a more beats related casting, netlabel music revised in a mix under supervision of RuE9. At 23:00 Netwaves.bpm plays guest mixes, found on the internet. 24:00 our own Cap starts his own mish-mash of scapes, texts, wizardry found on the web, and free thanks to Creative Commons. The best stuff will be uploaded from time to time to Netwaves.bpm.
3. This same monday, Netwaves is pointed out by Radio Scorpio to start streaming tests via the internet. You can listen to the stream at this webaddress. This, again, is available thanks to all the netlabels and artists that support Creative Commons.
Check it out! ... and welcome to season 3.00, starting monday 6 oct. 21:00.
Copyright news
+ Flemish libraries offer digital borrowing of music with the 'Digileen' system. One can download from a database of 160.000 tunes, from Keane to Alice Cooper. The 'only' restriction is that this music is DRM protected, and does not work on Mac nor Linux. Read more (Dutch).
+ "Why should a musician who sells one million albums a year be paid so much more than the editor of a national newspaper that sells one billion copies a year?" Tom Whitwell argues that the rock stars of the future will earn less than a Java programmer. Read the whole article.
+ In its latest issue, the magazine Emerce writes about the problems copyright struggles with, the upcoming of Creative Commons, and the uniting of bloggers in a contra-lobby. Read more (Dutch).
Due to a disc failure, no Netwaves this week. Next monday season 3 starts.
In the mean time you get this "thrilling story about a big escape and fight for justice at an italian gas station": Karaoke Tundra - Torta Grande (surrealmadrid), directed by Cattle Show.
Torta Grande
In the mean time you get this "thrilling story about a big escape and fight for justice at an italian gas station": Karaoke Tundra - Torta Grande (surrealmadrid), directed by Cattle Show.
Torta Grande
entering fall
01. Sunshine Radio - Jupiter Makes Me Scream
02. Into The Light (Sddn Dth Rmx) - Brokenkites
03. Solens Sista 120 Dagar - Dorothy's Magic Bag
04. When you walk - Pipo Pegoraro
05. Buried Truth - The Selph
06. I Drink - Awake
07. rnb rumpler - spenza
08. Bonne Buit BN - Hector Zarate
09. Seedin Time in The Oak Room (feat Calendar Girl) - Loveshadow
10. Halazium - ZeniX
11. One World - Red Unit
12. A Esa Edad - Magnetofonico
13. Vasectomie - Divine Holocaust
14. The One With The Lead Guitar - Monomatik
Happy Birthday to GNU!
25 years of GNU: GNU's Not Unix.

Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States
Read more about "What is free software and why is it so important for society?" @ the Free Software Foundation / FSF. See the movie in your language
I also added the FSF to the basics section, together with the wikipedia definition of copyleft. In the read section, there's a link to Lawrence Lessig's "Free culture", or "How Big Media Uses Technology and the Law to Lock Down Culture and Control Creativity". Lawrence is the founder of Creative Commons.
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States
Read more about "What is free software and why is it so important for society?" @ the Free Software Foundation / FSF. See the movie in your language
I also added the FSF to the basics section, together with the wikipedia definition of copyleft. In the read section, there's a link to Lawrence Lessig's "Free culture", or "How Big Media Uses Technology and the Law to Lock Down Culture and Control Creativity". Lawrence is the founder of Creative Commons.
again Ode Cologne
Listen to this episode.
01. Mehrsprachige Zugansage - Thalys
02. Cable Pollution Results - New Delhi FM
03. The One With The Lead Guitar - Monomatik
04. Lexington - Nika Japaridze
05. More - Breitbandkater
06. Jutro - Phonout
07. Periodic Table - 6884
08. Please Repeat - System-Pi
09. run! - Hydrophobia
The Freesound Project
Just added this project at the links department > listen > various: The Freesound Project. Their description: "The Freesound Project aims to create a huge collaborative database of audio snippets, samples, recordings, bleeps, ... released under the Creative Commons Sampling Plus License. The Freesound Project provides new and interesting ways of accessing these samples, allowing users to
- browse the sounds in new ways using keywords, a "sounds-like" type of browsing and more
- up and download sounds to and from the database, under the same creative commons license
- interact with fellow sound-artists!
We also aim to create an open database of sounds that can also be used for scientific research. Many audio research institutions have trouble finding correctly licensed audio to test their algorithms. Many have voiced this problem, but so far there hasn't been a solution."
Netwaves for example uses for its jingles (by Akwalek) the sample "Dialup" by Jlew (CC Sampling Plus 1.0 License)
�streaming on demand� in Belgi� 3.700 keer duurder dan in de VS
another presentation about CC
"Finding Alternatives in a Copyleft World" by Helen Poot & Christopher Rios
Read this document on Scribd: Copyleft
cold is getting away: get dressed!
Support our non-profit by buying a T-shirt, and as you can see, it only has sense to buy 3 of them ;-)
from every 18,40 euro, 2,10 euro goes to netwaves.org
The caddy is @ http://netwaves.spreadshirt.net
from every 18,40 euro, 2,10 euro goes to netwaves.org
The caddy is @ http://netwaves.spreadshirt.net
cool recent releases
Listen to this emo-electrical Digitone (CC by-nc-sa). |
What do these albums have in common: there are no really highlights, but the albums have an overall fine musical quality with a feel of restyling 'old' standards.
C hear s!
Netwaves restarting for ending 2nd season
01. Transmitr - Textbeak
02. Gayanesh - 100 Aspects of Howie Dunn feat. That Crooner from Nowhere
03. Bruxism - Ebola
04. Portland 2CB - Ebola
05. Big Bad - Automatic Tasty
06. You're A Computer - TSS Tortue Super Sonic
07. Dullness - Wshgaukd
08. Sad - Experience. Hold.
09. Bigger Veins - Senza Valore
10. Wake up & wash your face in tap air - Cherly KaCherly
11. Tattoo - Tiny Creatures Remix
12. Miniatura Sax�nica - b (fachada)
13. Szerelmes N�ta - Soutien Gorge
14. unchoral - aspera
15. Vortex Diva - Automassage
expert researcher angry at EC
Read the open letter here (pdf).
The 2 studies here and here.
national public broadcaster starts a social site
So, this public broadcaster gives a good example of keeping public content open for the public. But i'm afraid there is still a lot of work to do: public broadcasters have to put all their content in the public, because they are being paid by the tax payers. So, all content must be given back to the people who funded it, not by selling it, but by putting it on the internet with an open license. Compare it with open source in governmental institutions.
commercial or not commercial?
40 years ago, in the magical year 1968, rock was about rebellion, anti-capitalism and non-conformism. Nowadays, rock seems to have lost its spirit in favour of money and clever marketeers, resulting in mainstream alternative shit on the radio.
This clip has nothing to do with netlabels, but it could have been in those days, when all these bands were unknown and exploring the musical limits with no commercial purpose, but rather freeing the spirits and minds.
31 august 1968, Pink Floyd at Kastival in Kasterlee, and that is in the middle of nowhere in Belgium. Earlier that year, they also passed Leuven on their tour: anyone been there, in the 'Rijschool'?
This clip has nothing to do with netlabels, but it could have been in those days, when all these bands were unknown and exploring the musical limits with no commercial purpose, but rather freeing the spirits and minds.
31 august 1968, Pink Floyd at Kastival in Kasterlee, and that is in the middle of nowhere in Belgium. Earlier that year, they also passed Leuven on their tour: anyone been there, in the 'Rijschool'?
Welcome: a short guide to netlabelism.net
++ If you're a music fan, you can start to download music by the style of music you like. Warning: out of respect for the artist, i have no direct links to the files, rather a link to the release page, so you also have info about the artist, and you can download the cover as well.
++ If you want to browse by yourselve through the wonderful world of netlabels, there is a short subjective list of the most important netlabels to start.
++ If you want to read about netlabels because you're a student, journalist, researcher, i've compiled a bibliograpy. Because most of the netlabels work with a Creative Commons license, so they can distribute music without lawyers, i've also collected information about this license in the same link.
++ If you have no time, but want to have a quick overview of netlabels, you can download very good compilations from phlow magazine and Blocsonic. In the future netwaves.org is going to review some classic netlabel compilations, and we are also going to set up our own line of compilations by style. You may expect the first release in october, a compilation of the best of electro in the netlabel scene.
++ If you have lots of time, you can navigate in netlabel world with all the links in the navigation section at the left.
++ For the rest, you can do a search on this blog via the search box at the top right.
Have a nice sonic trip around the wonderful world of netlabels!
Phonocake 50th release on a ... cassette!
Cake bakers are: Madstyle, Bad Comfort, Al Magnifico, Trans Alp, S�ren Matschiste, parmon, Peter Venus, AAA, Deftype, Alec Troniq, Noise-Beyond-Silence and Granufunk.
More piece of a cake here.
From an older release:Trans Alp - Lied der Bergarbeiter Strom [phoke32]
more links galore
Wikipedia definition of "Copyright"
Wikipedia definition of "Auteursrecht" (Dutch)
Official website from the Belgian department of intellectual property "Belgische Dienst voor de Intellectuele Eigendom: Auteursrecht en naburige rechten", with an extended list of links, ao. collecting societies.
Again, hot stuff for students, researchers and educators.
Check it out in "links > basics".
Expo '58
If you can't get enough of the Expo '58 itching, here are some more links:
Movieclip from the Internet Archive, published in the Public Domain.
a collection of old movies on YouTube

Brussels Bureau for Tourism
Modern Mechanix (jan. 1958): The Atomium
Movieclip from the Internet Archive, published in the Public Domain.
a collection of old movies on YouTube

Brussels Bureau for Tourism
Modern Mechanix (jan. 1958): The Atomium
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