r.i.p. Kikapu
Netwaves 2.19 looks back at the rich, beautiful life of Kikapu, who passed away too soon ... Amen!
01. King of the Streets - Eight BT
02. Esoam - Jenglander
03. Sorry I shook you - Winnie the Shit
04. Grey Matters - Books on Tape
05. Four on the Floor - The System Boot
06. Cherie Amour - Glomag
07. Orbiting around the Desolate Planet - Satellite Grooves
08. Intro - adcBicycle
09. In the Name of God - adcBicycle
10. The Shadow of John Maynard Keynes - Cellular
11. 6 - Eric Laurence
12. Shade of Black - Oveloe
13. Doppelhelix - Winterstrand
What's this website all about? part 1
cartoon: Geekandpoke op Flickr.com gelicenseerd onder: CC-BY-ND
This cartoon was used as an illustration with the article (dutch): "Hoeder van Nederlandse muziekcultuur neemt zijn verantwoordelijkheid ook online".
Netwaves 2.18: Netwaves Live @ Kulturama
We still like to thank the people from "het Depot" for the opportunity to play at this cultural party.
01. Picture This - Velocirapture
02. Supersynth - Resynthesize
03. Cool to me - Francky Ride
04. Elektrom�ll - Monostabil
05. Pino - Phundamental
06. Back to Darkness - The Threshold People
07. Kersche (Muxu remix) - Norton
08. A Ship in a Bottle - Weigl & Hoffmann
09. Find Out - Postepay
10. Abs - Rabitza
11. Helio Plastik - Pirata
12. Vette Loop 001 - EatMe
13. 110 - SQware
Sabam digs Creative Commons
Update (and now it's becoming more clear):
In a reaction Sabam states that there is nothing new under the sun: members always have been able to reject some parts of their rights management. New is the fact that one can reject the online management by Sabam, i.e. one can manage his music online, both downloads and streaming. The best way to do this is with a Creative Commons license.
Note: if you reject this service, it is applied to the whole of works, not for individual works. But this does not mean that you have to put your whole catalogue on the web.
Conclusion: i interprete this that you can release a CD under Sabam and let them earn moneyfor you, and in the mean time you can also put this release online with a Creative Commons license. This is a big step forward, but some questions remain like: what about a non-profit party where i play the downloaded songs, instead of the CD, do i have to pay or not?
Old version:
According to the popular portal for popmusicians "Poppunt" the Belgian collecting society Sabam will tolerate that her members use the Creative Commons license for their creative products. What I understand is that a member needs to revoke his Sabam membership for a certain part of his copyright management. This applies to the whole of artist's work. The artist can for example choose to manage his music online, and let his work free in pubs, shops, dj-sets, movies. The rest of the article is too confusing for me, so any help/comment is welcome.
More info at Poppunt (dutch) + contact at popadvies
No info at all at the Sabam website (!?), but there is one contact: Dirk Vervenne, the guy from our debate "Is er muziek na Sabam?".
At least, without being pretentious, I think we can be proud of ourselves to have stimulated and influenced the discussion on this high level, thanks to our debates "Is er muziek na Sabam?" & "Studiedag: auteursrechten en de kleine organisator" and reporting about CC in Belgium.
netlabelism.net @ Indymedia
Over die dag bericht Indymedia.be: "Een honderdtal mensen kwam zondag een kijkje nemen op de opendeurdag van Indymedia.be. Ze konden er in primeur kennismaken met het boekje �Burgermedia: opmars, ervaringen, bedenkingen�, luisteren naar een uiteenzetting van Nico Carpentier en meer te weten komen over de plannen van Indymedia.be."
Lees en bekijk meer.
[nwsl006] Netwaves live @ Kulturama: verslag
Scorpio-DJ contest
Normally pq(prime) would have performed live as part of �Netwaves live� at the Kulturama festival in Leuven (Belgium), but unfortunately he had other musical obligations. Instead of the winner, we welcome other two participants of the contest: Cpt. Interceptor and Pleksi & Kronoz.
As promised, you can find the release on the famous mix-netlabel Sonic Walker. We would like to thank Sonic a lot for the hosting and releasing.
more about pq(prime):
Download the mix here.
Fashion Girls (0-2:40)
From now on, we are Elvis (2:40-6:24)
Sometimes she tells me a f** up story (6:24-9:40)
Is she worth it? (9:40-18:24)
Fashion Girls #smartmix# (18:24-20:23)
Netwaves: John Lagora
01. M�todo Paranoico Cr�tico - In Vitro
02. Hamburg-Bratislava - FeldFunker
03. So beautiful - Ampexx
04. 12. September (Firefighters & Police) - John Lagora
05. Birds - John Lagora
06. Clubbesuch - John Lagora
07. Hard Attack - Love Of Life
08. Things Like That - 7am aka Off Pop
iPunk nu!
Lees meer.
01. Ballistic Missile Armed - Agnes
02. Drew's purse is so mnml - Butane
03. Rose Schwartz (Ben Parris Holocaust Live remix) - Spunky Brewster
04. Goofball - Someone Else
05. Un Monde sans Fil - Frivolous
06. Reclaiming the 120's - Mike Uzzi & Ben Recht
07. Addict - diss0nance
08. Precious Sweet Friday - Apoll
apes ape apes
"The idea that the same copyright regime should apply to movie studios and kids who photocopy comics is preposterous."
Conclusion: "We need to stop shoe-horning cultural use into the little carve-outs in copyright, such as fair dealing and fair use. Instead we need to establish a new copyright regime that reflects the age-old normative consensus about what's fair and what isn't at the small-scale, hand-to-hand end of copying, display, performance and adaptation."
Read more ...
via Marco.
Endless Netwaves
01. Foolish Train - Hudozhnik
02. Turismo - Vate
03. Unconscious Alliance - General Fuzz
04. Mistery Lizard (feat. Richard Gorilla Geer) - The Rabbits
05. Hast du viele hast du keine - Endlos
06. Gestern warst du anders - Endlos
07. Ist das alles - Endlos
08. How hard do you try - Tone
09. Move me sideways - Tone
10. We love Lalalas - Choral Top
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