The first in the netwaves.bpm series without bpm. Netwaves' jspr wraps up the very new MuseuM M (Leuven, BE) with glorious aMbient scapes, while the MuseuM unwraps itself next sunday 20-09-09 to open soMe visual culture ...
Download or listen to [nws.bpm010] Music for snackbars @ MuseuMs.
01 River Runs - Sora
02 Canto VII (2004 - 2005) - Oscar Chaves & Julio Shalom
03 Mind Games - Waveform
04 Office to Studio - Stendec
05 Mi puchunguita guindeando el baflerio (2004) - Oscar Chaves & Julio Shalom
06 Beautiful Dawn - John Lagora
07 �nima - Koulomek
08 Lost and Found on the Moon - Astrowind
09 Movement 2: Island - .Tape
10 From Morning On - AGF & Delay
11 Stall 01 - Lu�s Antero
12 Tell You - Nej
13 Quelques Souvenirs - Kaneel
14 Subkjektiv - Fiktion
15 Intro - Enjumi
16 Pulse Session (extract) - Paolo Veneziani