After our exposition, people could pose some questions, and what stroke me, there is a big demand for 'open/free' sheet music. I never had the interest to search for the existence of this kind of music experience, so i had not much to answer. Now, as a way to meet this demand, i've googled a bit on sheet music and Creative Commons, and i think these few links are a good start. My first impression though is that there is more public domain than CC, but that's maybe because most op the composers are dead, and so there's no need for a CC license?
So, bonne chance!
- Public Domain Sherpa: everything public domain with lots of research and explanations
- the Wikipedia page of sheet music, with some links (at the bottom) to free sheet music
- IMSLP / Petrucci Music Library: their goal is "to create a virtual library containing all public domain music scores"
Any other suggestions are welcome, you can use the comment field!