Due to technical problems there is no podcast for episode 147. Shit can happen! Fortunately you can download the compilation from the tunes played in this episode.
Downloadpage of the compilation.
1 Instantanea 2010 - Plan Quinquenal
2 Alcool French Edit - Aniaetleprogrammeur
3 Orwell Era - Ni�a Terrorista + STH
4 Odyssey - Prototype
5 Aurora - Pirata
6 counting control - sixx
7 Do not disturb - Dikital
8 Naranja (That Nostalgic Feeling) - Meiker
9 Honk Honk - Tartare1
10 In a White Room - No more
11 Pop - Pisu
12 Chau - Sonoradio
13 No en som dues (Pisu cover) - Madame
14 habitat - Roberto Massoni

This week Cologne Commons takes place again, now for the second time. Apart from debates and panel discussions, there will also be a 'musical' part: netwaves will preview them in this episode, and hopes to interview some of the artists next friday, so we can cast these next week.
We hope to 'meet and greet' you there!
Downloadpage of the compilation + podcast.
Listen to [nws148] netwaves 4.34:
1 11 24 - Gerdes
2 fun-k - werner niedermeier & gumbo jones
3 Horovod - Songraphie
4 Naramiddu poita (feat. Quilo) - Arrogalla remixes Dadub
5 Nothing Is Really Useless - Lars from Mars
6 U.G.L.Y. - Zoe.LeelA
7 Heirloom - The Black Atlantic
8 humiliating the distorted - mr&mrsBrian
9 The lack of anything good - Bitbasic
10 isien - Afion
11 al ritmo del espejismo - Equipo
12 Toc_11 (Toconce) - Mika Martini
13 F13 - herm�tico
14 Ion Funnel - Sudio