Number 150 is the last episode before the summer pause. Our host Radio Scorpio does not broadcast live programs during summer holidays. Hear us back in september. This episode is full of our Russian friends and their interpretation of triphop.
Downloadpage of the compilation + podcast.
Listen to [nws150] netwaves 4.36:

1 Snow Birds - Der Nerv
2 Far From Ok - Kubrick's Cube
3 Bublegum - Little Nastya
4 Voluntary Improvement Of Self-Flagellation - 813
5 Blue Eyed - Karolis Bur�inskas
6 impasse - ma?ka
7 Planet of Winds - Phoboz
8 dubbishi - Dubbemo
9 Clish - Zeno
10 Remake Arrogalla - tdBt and the Garys remix Arrogalla
11 Dark Minimal - Omara
12 Five After Midnight - Phoboz