French netlabel Libre Comme L'air (LCL) created a free sound bank "La bo�te � sons" under a CC by-nc license, supplied by the artists that released or collaborated with LCL. They also organise a music contest around this project.
"To introduce " La boite a sons " we organize a composition contest opened to every musician.
1- Produce a track using one or several of the sounds featured in the bank
2- Send it to contest[at]lclweb[dot]org
You can mix the sources, tempo and style are free. Your work must not contain any copyrighted material.
3- A first pre-selection will be promoted via freemusicarchive.org
4- A jury composed of cc music and netaudio actors will make a final selection, that will be released as a compilation on LCL"
more info:
LCL blog