8bitpeoples is one of the oldest netlabels playing around (started 1999) and specialised in 8bit or chiptunes music. This week netwaves is bringing an anthology of their catalogue.
Downloadpage of the compilation + podcast:
https://www.archive.org/details/nws155 (new tab/window)
Listen to [nws155] netwaves 5.02: 8bitpeoples

1 ode2mypixel - nullsleep
2 White Russian - Lo-Bat.
3 blitter blaiter - starPause
4 blue lens - yuppster
5 Void Traveller - Linde
6 Boy Afraid - Role Model
7 El Camino de Tu Casa a la M�a - minusbaby
8 usabikch - M-,-n
9 emjayakle - starPause
10 Zoe - Mesu Kasumai
11 Yourmachi - Coova and Bud Melvin
12 Gianna - Factor6
13 Arabl�karen - Dorothy's Magic Bag
14 mYMelody - Stu
15 I-tron (the other lindsay) - sabastian boaz
16 Ter4 - Goto80
17 A Farewell to Parms - minusbaby
18 trapizoid - tangible
19 Science Fiction Man - Dorothy's Magic Bag