
muziek gevraagd

via homerecording.be krijgen we volgende oproep om muziek-inzendingen op te sturen voor een Linux/Ubuntu distributie die speciaal op maat van mix-dj's gemaakt wordt:

"Ik ben momenteel bezig met d 2e versie van MixxxOS, het eerste besturingssysteem speciaal voor digitale dj's.

In de nieuwe release willen we ook wat muziek toevoegen zodat gebruikers meteen aan de slag kunnen.
Waaraan de tracks moeten voldoen is het volgende:
Vrije licentie bv Creative Commons
FLAC, WAV of OGG formaat
README bijvoegen met artist info, weblinks, licentie en overige aanvullingen
Enigzins gangbaar en prettig om te mixxxen
100% eigen werk of iig 100% legaal

We discrimineren wel behoorlijk want tracks gemaakt met Linux en/of FOSS krijgen voorrang
Het is toegestaan om meerdere tracks aan te melden maar gelieve wel gevarieerd gezien van elke stijl maximaal 2 tracks worden toegevoegd en nooit van dezelfde artiest.

Versie 2.0 gaat ergens komende week uitkomen dus wil je nog in de 2.0 release mag je opschieten. Je kan wel gewoon tracks blijven inzenden want bij elke update worden de tracks veranderd zodat iedereen zijn moment van roem krijgt.

mailen naar: arjan [apestaartje] socialdefect [punt] nl"

Link naar het bericht:


Girl Talk goes CC

Girl Talk releases his last album under a CC license (attribution - non-commercial). Girl Talk is a master in mashups: he mixes samples of existing songs into a new song. For this album he used about 380 samples from about 300 artists. He is also the guy who features as one of the protagonists in the movie 'RiP: A Remix Manifesto'.

If you like a rollercoaster of 'the best of the best of' in a mix of 1 hour dancefloor fun, you should download this release. You can also use it as a quiz.

album: https://illegal-art.net/allday/
list of samples: https://illegal-art.net/allday/samples.html
movie 'RiP: A Remix Manifesto' https://www.opensourcecinema.org

Get It Get It by threeminutesthirtyseconds

Girl Talk - Get it get it


Zimmer closes door

Psychoded, the man behind netlabels Zimmer records (techno, house), Akashic records (electronic, ambient) and Haushaltsware (deep house, idm, techdub) sent a message that he stops with Zimmer and Akashic. We don't know anything about netlabel Haushaltsware yet. Sad news indeed.

We found this info on his press page @ facebook:

-'man soll gehen wenn es am sch�nsten ist .. ^^'
-'there will be some releases to be released the next weeks, but no new stuff ... after "hermetic principles 7" the whole story will be told...'
-'lack of support' (reply: 'can't understand... all netlabels has lack of support, and this is not new...')
-'guess i will have to rethink some issues - and then move to africa. fed up with all here...'
-'akashic-records will also be down after number 12. so still 8 releases to come there. hold tight :)'

Not only was Zimmer very known for its broad gamma of techno, house, techhouse and chill, but also for its coverart, which was always made of blue or black ball pen drawings.

Listen to psyCodEd with 'Chemtrails':

Link: https://www.archive.org/details/ZIMMER012a


netlabel poptones

This week netwaves presents an anthology of recent loungy, poppy netlabel tunes.

Downloadpage of the compilation + podcast:
https://www.archive.org/details/nws161 (new tab/window)

Listen to [nws161] netwaves 5.08: poptones

Subscribe in iTunes


1 Realunyun - Jimmy Penguin
2 Sun Bursts - Daakoon
3 Listen - Innereyefull (feat. Del Finch)
4 Late Night - Lybra
5 Last Experience il Volo - Marco Lucchi
6 One Last Look At The Past - Pyotr
7 the dream poet - Afion
8 ? (hana) - Postom
9 Vita - Multy
10 Biting my lip - Gahzed
11 Hell In - Jose Ayen
12 Some sort of thrive - Bitbasic



This week netwaves explores the eclectic zone in the netlabel panorama. Prepare for a rollercoaster of progressive, chill, electro, idm, eurodisco, 8bit, dubstep, techdub, microhouse and reggae.

Downloadpage of the compilation + podcast:
https://www.archive.org/details/nws160 (new tab/window)

Listen to [nws160] netwaves 5.07: eclectica

Subscribe in iTunes


1 Under the Golden Sky - The Kirbi
2 Gasmaske (James McConaghew mix) - Domagk
3 Keep Waiting - MortenY
4 Great grief - Tetarise
5 positive vibes - Ras Tilo
6 Education After Auschwitz (Bonus Track) - Ion
7 Beginnings - Bogdan
8 Str. Ongfeeling - Discoballs
9 Belladonna - ?uie Paparude
10 Fatal Error - Bachelor Machines


new netlabel newsgroup

Last week a new netlabel newsgroup launched under curatorship of Mystified.

Read the about:

"'netlabelposts' is a free list for posting about music released on netlabels. The focus is on free and cc-licensed music. Promotional posts are permitted, as well as reviews, project invitations, radio playlists and similar posts. Any rudeness/threats will not be tolerated and will result in immediate banning. In general, feel free to use this list to build a communication network for the netlabel community, informing one another about topics relevant to netlabels."

netwaves had already collected these newsgroups about netlabels and netaudio on its 'basics' page:

mailing lists:

netwaves will give 'netlabelposts' a try because:
- it's owned by netlabel scientist Mystified
- it will be moderated

give it a try with this button:

Click to join netlabelposts

Click to join netlabelposts

link to Mystified: https://www.mystifiedmusic.com/
reason why: https://www.vuzhmusic.com/blog/2010/11/03/response-to-silent-world-of-netlabels/


het einde van de cd - deel 4

alle tafels zijn uitverkocht!
36 tafels verspreid over 20 standhouders in 2 zalen;
genres: rock, alternative, new wave, punk, house, techno, reggae, ...


netaudio Berlin publication

News from the Berlin netaudio festival front:
"We would like to inform you about a new publication on the website of Netaudio Berlin which is finally ready.

This publication has developed from the idea to keep hold of some personal perspectives, interesting anecdotes and developed ideas � alongside with some theoretical thoughts � as an outcome of the festival. And analogue to the colorful mixture of participants in the festival, we were able to tie a turbulent bundle of texts in style, types and perspectives. Most of them are very friendly and full of (personal) enthusiasm, others are meant to increase and develop the content, framework and general setup of the festival.

You might leave comments on the texts if you like - and we would really love to read your remarks, footnotes and opinions. We are curious about any of your comments."

Netwaves also wants to mention that a part from this publication exists in netwaves' podcast contributions to the netaudio festival and the netlabel world.

Find the papers and table of contents here:
Contribution of netwaves:

foto by David Domingo cc:by-nc-sa

netaudio Berlin publication

News from the Berlin netaudio festival front:
"We would like to inform you about a new publication on the website of Netaudio Berlin which is finally ready.

This publication has developed from the idea to keep hold of some personal perspectives, interesting anecdotes and developed ideas � alongside with some theoretical thoughts � as an outcome of the festival. And analogue to the colorful mixture of participants in the festival, we were able to tie a turbulent bundle of texts in style, types and perspectives. Most of them are very friendly and full of (personal) enthusiasm, others are meant to increase and develop the content, framework and general setup of the festival.

You might leave comments on the texts if you like - and we would really love to read your remarks, footnotes and opinions. We are curious about any of your comments."

Netwaves also wants to mention that a part from this publication exists in netwaves' podcast contributions to the netaudio festival and the netlabel world.

Find the papers and table of contents here:
Contribution of netwaves:

foto by David Domingo cc:by-nc-sa


Eurocommissaris Neelie Kroes wil macht Buma en BREIN inperken

Eurocommissaris Neelie Kroes (die van de EU vs. Microsoft) wil het auteursrecht in Europees verband moderniseren. Dat zei ze tijdens een conferentie in Frankrijk op 5 november jl.
Kroes vindt dat het auteursrecht te versnipperd is en de belangen van creatieven onvoldoende beschermt. Ook vindt Kroes dat derde partijen, zoals uitgevers en belangenorganisaties zoals Buma/Stemra en BREIN, te veel macht hebben. Ze noemt hun positie "onhoudbaar". De eurocommissaris wil dat overheden de handhaving van het auteursrecht weer op zich gaan nemen.

Link artikel: https://www.informatieprofessional.nl/nieuws/8274-europese-unie-wil-auteursrecht-hervormen.html

the sound of silence

A mysterious incident occurred with Hazard Records at the Internet Archive:

Hazard: "In august 2008, Hazard Records released the album "This Is The End, Beautiful Friend", by File Under Toner and uploaded it to the Internet Archive. It was made by recording run-out grooves (supposedly silent) of thirty-six selected records and manipulating them both by analogue and digital means. The audible result is a series of thirty-six short tracks of manipulated surface noise.

This record poses a couple of questions: "do the silent run-out grooves have copyrights?" and "in case they have, who do they belong to?". For this reason, it uses records from artists who have been involved in copyright infringement cases before. It used run-out grooves of records by Abba, Michael Jackson and James Brown, all of them known for suing artists who had used fragment of their works out of context.

At the end of September 2010, the album "This Is The End, Beautiful Friend", by File Under Toner, was "made unavailable" by the Internet Archive due to "issues with the item's content".

So, we have un-censored the record (made it available again) in October 2010. Just to (try to) keep things calm, we have removed (part of) the liner notes and replaced them by the open letter we wrote to the Internet Archive. The original liner notes can still be found in a text file (hopefully invisible for automatic filters). We hope that this is a good solution for this situation. However, it might be a good idea to download the record quickly, just in case."

Link full article: https://www.ankitoner.com/fut/theend_en.htm
Link release: https://www.archive.org/details/hr061
Link rerelease: https://www.archive.org/details/hr061b/


reminder contest

Don't forget to have a look at the contest by the Libre Comme L'air/LCL netlabel: "La boite a sons" (the Soundbox).
Submit your creation before 31 dec. 2010.

1- Produce a track using one or several of the sounds featured in the bank
2- Send us your track using this Soundcloud Dropbox :

Link to the contest "La boite a sons":


electrifying bits & bytes

This week netwaves serves electrifying netlabel delikatessen: the best of netlabels' recent electro and electronic tunes.

Downloadpage of the compilation + podcast:
https://www.archive.org/details/nws159 (new tab/window)

Listen to [nws159] netwaves 5.06: electrifying bits & bytes

Subscribe in iTunes


1 The light you give me - Biconnection
2 (Iveta Miss The Boeing remix) - Facet
3 Inspiratiosdopin - Beatamines
4 Chance - Sleep Russia
5 MJ - Sceance Noire
6 Nunnuka - Semi Sailor
7 Voyager - Koalips
8 French Kiss - Michi
9 TinyBrightStatic - Majka Is Board
10 fikg - Lazzich



Relax!: that's what me & my wife did during a 10 day holiday last week on the beach of M�laga, South Spain, with temperatures of +30 C�. That's also the reason for the delay of this week's episode of netlabels' delikatessen. So, relax!: netwaves turns world's muscles into hypnose, by playing completely relaxed music.

Downloadpage of the compilation + podcast:
https://www.archive.org/details/nws158 (new tab/window)

Listen to [nws158] netwaves 5.05: relax!

Subscribe in iTunes


1 Driving - Xtrng
2 Sadness - Trio groove Solnyshqo
3 Binary Star - Koalips
4 With a Kiss and a Tear - Glissando
5 Before Midnight - Chris Fordham
6 Forest Rain - Astrowind
7 The Prophecy Song (low mix) - The O.P.
8 Aeturnus - Adverb
9 Coral Reef - Psychadelik Pedestrian
10 Politics Of Smooth - Ion


Creative Commons licentie getest en goedgekeurd in Belgi�

De Creative Commons-licentie is in Belgi� getest en rechtsgeldig. Een rechter uit Nijvel heeft een organisator tot een schadevergoeding veroordeeld omdat hij bij de keuze van een liedje de Creative Commons-regels niet respecteerde.

Lees het volledige artikel in Apache.
Link: https://www.apache.be/2010/11/rechter-bevestigt-rechtsgeldigheid-creative-commons/


netlabelism: new website & compilation

Netlabels have a new promotor: netlabelism.com. In their team we find a range of long-time netlabelistas from netlabels, ao. rec72, Zimmer-Records, Haushaltsware, Modularfield, all with their base in the city of Cologne.
As far as netwaves understands, they're intending to write reviews and release compilations, and that is what the netlabel world still needs more and more.
Cheers, guys!

netlabelism.com - Compilation 10/10 by netlabelism