This week netwaves presents an anthology of recent loungy, poppy netlabel tunes.
Downloadpage of the compilation + podcast:
https://www.archive.org/details/nws161 (new tab/window)
Listen to [nws161] netwaves 5.08: poptones

1 Realunyun - Jimmy Penguin
2 Sun Bursts - Daakoon
3 Listen - Innereyefull (feat. Del Finch)
4 Late Night - Lybra
5 Last Experience il Volo - Marco Lucchi
6 One Last Look At The Past - Pyotr
7 the dream poet - Afion
8 ? (hana) - Postom
9 Vita - Multy
10 Biting my lip - Gahzed
11 Hell In - Jose Ayen
12 Some sort of thrive - Bitbasic