While dubstep is experiencing its haydays, new derivatives like glitch hop, wonky, post-dubstep, funky, aquacrunk, street bass, skwee, ... arise. There's a German-Italian netlabel which is following these new trends closely, Error Broadcast
For the next two months netwaves is on holidays: hear you back at 7 september.
Downloadpage of the compilation + podcast:
https://www.archive.org/details/nws188 (new tab/window)
[nws188] netwaves 5.35: netlabel special Error Broadcast

1 Batyscaphe Finds A Music Box - Wols
2 Ghosts pt. 2 - Shlohmo
3 Face Without Sense - OL
4 Juno Had a Rough Day - The Great Mundane
5 Tapp that Motherbored - Chewy Benson
6 Wizard Swing Warriors - Benny B. Blonco
7 Strange Dreams - AEED
8 Velvet Night - AEED
9 Heat - Montgomery Clunk
10 Shapeshifter - Demokracy
11 Cartoon Friend - Pixelord
12 Cybernator (Abby Lee Tee Cyberwars Rebot) - Pixelord
13 Cybernator (PXLRD Remix) - Pixelord
14 For You pt. 2 - Shlohmo
15 Tidal Herbs - KenLo Craqnuques
16 Wonkycarz - Swede:art
17 Softgram - DZA
18 Shifty - DZA