This weekend we'll have to celebrate a lot of things at our "
Scorpio's Lazy Sunday Entrepot":

Portuguese netlabel
MiMi Records releases its 200th album full of electronic music soundscapes:
[mi200] Loxodromia 200.
Our favorites are BHASM and likeicare: listen to them in one of our next netwaves episodes!

In the same time the anglo-american netlabel
Fwonk* published its 100th release with the simple title
FWONK*100, an album with more experimental electronica.
Netwaves especially likes Dr. Nemmo, Katarrhaktes vs Per Byhring, and the funny cover of Edelweiss by the Stratosonics "Oidelweiss". Check our transmissions next weeks!

On 16�17 Nov. the
first Indonesian Netaudio Festival will take place: "Logo ini adalah logo resmi yang akan dipergunakan untuk acara Indonesian Netaudio Festival. Indonesian Netaudio Festival ini direncanakan akan berlangsung pada tanggal 16 � 17 November 2012." The blog tells about the new logo, and apparently Wok The Rock from Indonesian famous netlabel
Yes No Wave Music is strongly involved. We wish them a succesful festival from this side of the world.

Our radio-colleagues from the free music/free culture-focused radio-program
Breitband celebrate their 5th birthday with a compilation "
Best Of Breitband Vol. 5": nice title ;-)
Congrats folks!

There's a very interesting project going on: the foundation of a Creative Commons based collecting society:
C3S -
Society. They make a public call to become a member as an artist and to sustain this project. I think this is an extensive subject that needs to be discussed and encouraged by every artist and organisation around, not engaging in industry, but rather in culture. I will certainly
flattr this initiative and ask the people of CC Belgium what they think of this initiative.
Put this on your agenda!